Field management
February 1, 2023

Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum) is a common and widespread fern species that grows throughout the United Kingdom. While it is a valuable source of food and […]
February 1, 2023


Charlock is a common weed in the UK and is often found growing in fields, pastures, and along roadsides. Although it is widely regarded as a […]
March 9, 2023

Grass Glands

Horses have specialized glands in their digestive system called cecum and large colon that aid in the digestion of fiber-rich grass. These glands produce enzymes and […]
January 24, 2023

What size paddock is right for my horse?

The size of the paddock that is right for your horse will depend on a number of factors, including the horse’s size, age, and level of […]
February 1, 2023

Curly dock

Curly Dock: A Common UK Plant with Hidden Dangers for Horses Curly dock (Rumex crispus) is a common plant found in pastures, meadows, and waste areas […]
March 16, 2023

What does Pectin do for horses?

Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that is commonly used as an ingredient in horse feed and supplements. It is derived from the cell walls […]
February 1, 2023


Ivy is a commonly grown ornamental plant that can be toxic to horses if ingested. The toxic compounds found in ivy, known as glycosides, can cause […]
February 2, 2023


Pigweed, also known as redroot pigweed or common amaranth, is a weed commonly found in the UK and other parts of the world. While it is […]
February 1, 2023

Maple trees

Maple Trees in the UK: A Poisonous Threat to Horses Maple trees (Acer species) are commonly found in the UK, but they can be toxic to […]
February 1, 2023


Buttercups are a common sight in the UK and are often associated with the spring and summer months. While they are a beautiful and popular wildflower, […]
February 1, 2023


Yew is a commonly grown ornamental plant that is highly toxic to horses if ingested. The toxic compounds found in yew, known as taxanes, can cause […]
February 2, 2023

Meadow saffron

Meadow Saffron: The Hidden Threat to UK Horses Meadow saffron, also known as colchicum autumnale, is a common wildflower found in the United Kingdom and across […]
February 1, 2023

Horsetail plant

Horsetail Plant in the UK: A Caution for Horse Owners Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), also known as mare’s tail, is a common plant found in the UK […]
February 1, 2023


Laurel Plant in the UK: A Poisonous Danger to Horses Laurel (Prunus species) is a common plant found in the UK, but it can be toxic […]
February 1, 2023

Laburnum (Golden chain)

Laburnum, also known as golden chain, is a commonly grown ornamental plant that can be toxic to horses if ingested. The toxic compounds found in laburnum, […]
January 27, 2023

Stable size for your horse

Properly sized horse stables are essential for the health and well-being of your horse. Here are some things to consider when determining the correct stable size […]
January 24, 2023

What is an adequate water supply for horse paddocks?

Adequate water supply for horse paddocks is essential for the health and well-being of your horses. Horses require a minimum of 25-55 litres of water per […]
January 24, 2023

Different types of horse paddock fencing

There are many types of horse fencing options available, each with their own pros and cons. Here is a list of some of the most common […]
February 2, 2023


Pyracantha, also known as firethorn, is a popular ornamental shrub commonly grown in the UK and other parts of the world. While its bright berries are […]
February 1, 2023

Alsike Clover

Alsike clover is a species of clover that is commonly found in the UK and is often used as a forage crop for horses. While Alsike […]